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Chair: Girmay Zahilay

Vice Chairs: Reagan Dunn and Sarah Perry

Members: All Councilmembers

Attend Council meetings

The Council holds regular meetings most Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m. To find upcoming meetings, please refer to the meeting calendar and agendas page.

To help us manage the meeting, if you do not wish to be called upon for public comment, please use the Livestream or King County TV options listed below to watch or listen to the meeting if possible.


  • Find the Zoom webinar ID by looking at the second page of the relevant meeting agenda here.
  • By computer, using the Zoom application at and the webinar ID found on the second page of the agenda here.
  • Via phone by calling 1-253-215-8782 and using the webinar ID found on the second page of the agenda here.


  • Attend meetings in Council Chambers at 516 3rd Avenue, Room 1001 (10th Floor), Seattle Washington. To provide in-person public comment, take the elevator to the 10th floor. Just to the left of the elevator doors, you'll find a sign-in desk. The sign-in desk opens at 1:15 p.m. and the doors to Council Chambers open at 1:25 p.m.


Public comment

Public comments are restricted to current agenda items unless it is the fourth Tuesday of the month, in which case you may comment on any matter related to King County. If you wish to comment on an item not on the current agenda and it is not the fourth Tuesday, please consider emailing your Councilmember.


Send to by 10 a.m. on the meeting day. Include the topic and related agenda item (if relevant) in the subject line. Comments will be forwarded to the Councilmembers and appropriate staff.


Attend meetings in Council Chambers at 516 3rd Avenue, Room 1001 (10th Floor), Seattle, Washington. To provide in-person public comment, take the elevator to the 10th floor. Just to the left of the elevator doors, you'll find a sign-in desk. The doors to Council Chambers and the sign-in desk open at 1:15 p.m.


Provide comment remotely by attending meetings via phone or computer using the Zoom application. See attend committee meetings remotely above. You are not required to sign up in advance to provide remote public comment. 

Language services

You have the right to submit your comments using our free language access services. Contact Tera Chea, Language Access Coordinator not less than three business days prior to the committee meeting.

King County Council meeting packets

If links are not displaying below, you may access agenda materials at:
