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King County GMPC School Siting Activities

The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) requires counties and cities to work together to plan for growth. Since the 2012 update of the Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs), the Growth Management Planning Council has worked to ensure that growth in the county is coordinated with the provision of schools in both urban and rural areas in a manner that is consistent with the GMA, the CPPs, and the region's multicounty planning policies in VISION 2050. Shown below are actions and activities of the GMPC related to school siting and coordination.


  • December 2024: 2024 School/City/County Coordination Meeting Report (Countywide Planning Policy (CPP), Public Facilities Policy PF-22) released
  • May 2023: 2022 School/City/County Coordination Meeting (CPP-PF-22) Report released
  • October 2022: School Siting FAQ
  • December 2020: 2020 School/City/County Coordination PF-19A Report released
  • May 2018: GMPC adopts School Siting Motion 18-1, outlining actions jurisdictions can take to facilitate the development and renovation of public schools within the Urban Growth Area (staff report). Also, the 2018 School/City/County Coordination PF-19A Report released.
  • November 2017: School District presentation and staff report 
  • March 2016: 2016 School/City/County Coordination Meetings PF-19A Report released
  • April 2015: GMPC adopts Motion 15-1, outlining a process for jurisdictions working together to identify future school sites within the UGA (staff report)
  • September 2014: Results of first round of School-City-County Coordination meetings, including a survey of school district future plans, and (May staff report)
  • September 2013: GMPC School Siting workplan approved (May staff report)
  • June 2012: GMPC adopts School Siting Motion 12-2 and CPPs, implementing recommendations of School Siting Task Force (staff report)
  • April 2012: News Release: Regional task force resolves long-standing dispute over school siting
  • March 2012: Final Report of the School Siting Task Force (appendices)
  • September 2011: News Release: Task force proposed to evaluate siting of schools in rural areas of King County

