Urnas electorales
Devuelva su boleta a una urna electoral. Su boleta debe ser devuelta a una urna electoral antes de las 8 p.m. el Día de las Elecciones . Planifique y evite hacer fila.
We currently offer language translations on our site primarily through Google Translate. This helps visitors find and use information in the languages they speak, but the tool is not perfect. Automated translation may be inaccurate or errors may display on translated pages.
Google Translate is an external website. King County does not control the quality or accuracy of translated content.
Please choose a language
Las urnas electorales están cerradas.
Return your ballot to a ballot drop box. Your ballot must be returned to a ballot drop box by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Plan ahead to avoid lines.
Devuelva su boleta a una urna electoral. Su boleta debe ser devuelta a una urna electoral antes de las 8 p.m. el Día de las Elecciones . Planifique y evite hacer fila.