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Contact us to report secondhand smoke exposure in your apartment or condo

Use this form to report exposure to secondhand tobacco or marijuana smoke in your home. While there are no laws that currently regulate smoking inside individual homes or condos, we still might be able to help. More information about laws and regulations related to smoking in our area.

Parts of the form below marked with an asterisk are required.

Your contact information


Email address:


Phone number:

Check this box to authorize the use of your name in follow up conversations with management.
I wish to keep my personal information confidential.

Name and address of the property in question

*I am submitting this complaint about a (check all that apply):



Private residence


Other (please describe):

Name of property (if known):

Property street address:


Zip code:

Manager or property owner's name:

Manager or property owner's phone number:


Manager or property owner's email address (if known):

Description of the issue

*This concerns (check all that apply):

Secondhand tobacco smoke

Secondhand marijuana smoke

Other (please describe):

Privacy policy: To protect your privacy, all personal information that you include on this form including email addresses, names and phone numbers, etc. are kept in high confidence and will not be shared with your landlord or other management authority unless you authorize us to.
