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Executive Order Repealing PER 18-4 (AEO) Leaves of Absence and Continuation of Benefits for Uniformed Service

Executive Order Repealing PER 18-4 (AEO) Leaves of Absence and Continuation of Benefits for Uniformed Service

Document Code No.: PER 18-4-0 (AEO)
Department/Issuing Agency: Department of Executive Services/Human Resources Division
Effective Date: January 6, 2014
Approved: /s/ Fred Jarrett
Type of Action: Rescinds PER 18-4 (AEO)

Signed document (PDF, 930KB)

An Executive Order REPEALING Executive Order PER 18-4 (AEO), Leaves of Absence and Continuation of Benefits for Uniformed Service, due to the June 10, 2013, enactment of a County ordinance amending the provisions under which employees in the Uniformed Service receive leave, differential pay, leave accruals, and health benefits.

WHEREAS, the County Council enacted on June 10, 2013, Ordinance 17605 providing military leave, differential pay, leave accruals, and health benefits for King County employees who serve in the United States Uniformed Services for the period of time that they retain reemployment rights; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Order PER 18-4 (AEO) provided military differential pay but only if employees were members of the reserves or any branch of the uniformed services as of September 11, 2001, which may have had the affect of treating employees who serve in an inequitable manner; and

WHEREAS, in 2012, the Washington State Auditor conducted a military pay audit and submitted a Management Letter to the County expressing concern that Executive Order PER 18-4 (AEO) did not provide a period of duration for an employee’s receipt of military leave, differential pay, and health benefits; and

WHEREAS, Ordinance 17605 provides the same opportunity for all qualified employees to receive military leave, differential pay, leave accruals, and health benefits and provides clarity as to the period of duration that such may be received; and

WHEREAS, the provisions of Ordinance 17605 are more extensive and inclusive than those in Executive Order PER 18-4 (AEO); and

WHEREAS, Ordinance 17605 supports the King County Strategic Plan’s Financial Stewardship Goal by providing the duration for an employee’s receipt of military leave, differential pay, leave accruals, and health benefits and supports the Quality Workforce Goal by supporting and reemploying employees who leave County service to serve our nation.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Dow Constantine, King County Executive, do hereby order and direct that Executive Order PER 18-4 (AEO) be repealed.

Dated this 27th Day of December , 2013.

/s/ Fred Jarrett, Deputy King County Executive

/s/ Norm Alberg, Director
Records and Licensing Services Division