Fingerprinting, CPL and AFL appointments will be unavailable at King County Courthouse on Friday, January 3, 2025
Renew/Replace CPL
Learn more about applying to renew or replace a valid a Concealed Pistol License (CPL)
Renew CPL if expiration date is within 90 days of current date.
Replace CPL if lost, stolen or damaged. CPL must not be expired.
Steps to apply
Renew or Replace a CPL
Renew your CPL if:
- CPL is within 90 days of expiring.
- CPL is expired less than 90 days, you can renew but it is considered a late renewal and is subject to additional fees.
Replace your CPL if:
- CPL is lost, stolen or damaged
- CPL is not expired
Check requirements
- You must be 21 years of age, or older.
- You must be a citizen of the United States, or a Permanent Resident alien. If you are a Permanent Resident, you must provide your original Immigration issued Permanent Resident Card at time of application.
- You must live in King County, or outside the state of Washington, in the case of non-resident applicants.
- You must have a current Driver’s License or State issued ID. Passports or Military ID’s are not accepted in lieu of State issued ID.
- Residential address must be up to date with Department of Licensing.
Download and complete application
Make appointment
Some locations require appointments to renew, some are walk-in only. Some appointments can be booked online, other require a phone call to set up. Check locations for address and hours of operations.
Payment method and fees
Check payment method and fees. Payment methods accepted vary by location.
Proceed to appointment
Bring completed application, fees and identification to appointment!