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Legal lots - Land use permit process

A legal lot determination provides an applicant with a determination of legal lot status based upon the parcel history, provided by the applicant, according to local and state laws governing subdivision of property. 

Legal lot information

Citizens may perform their own property research and determine the history of a lot and/or legal status by contacting the various agencies. More information on this can be found in the Property Research Guide.

For more information about legal lots, refer to the Legal Lot Status Determination Service Application, found below on this page. 

Cost and timeline

Check our current fee schedule for an estimate

The timeline varies depending on workload and resources available.


Legal lot and innocent purchaser forms can be found below on this page. More forms or applications, such as: 

  • Subdivision Exemption Request Form

Can be found on our permit application materials webpage.

Check our online permits page to see if you can submit these forms through MyBuildingPermit

Schedule a land use inspection

King County inspects work to ensure code compliance and safety requirements.

Learn more about scheduling inspections

Legal Lot Status

Proof of Legal Lot Information

Legal Lot Status Determination Service


Property Research Guide and Worksheet



Innocent Purchaser


