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Guardian ad litem registries

A guardian ad litem (GAL) is an adult appointed by the court to represent the best interests of an individual during legal proceedings, including children.

A guardian ad litem (GAL) investigates and prepares a report for the court of their findings and recommendations of guardianship. Their role is to represent the best interests of those who cannot do so themselves

As an officer of the court they must

  • Maintain independence and participants' privacy
  • Conduct themselves professionally and treat parties with respect
  • Avoid conflicts of interest
  • Be informed about the case
  • Limit duties to those ordered by the court
  • Educate individuals about their role in the case
  • Perform duties in a timely manner, including giving court information
  • Maintain documentation and keep records of time and expenses

Now Accepting New and Renewal Applications for Title11 Adult Guardianships (Court Visitor/Attorney), Title 11 Minor Guardianships (Court Visitor, Attorney for parent, Attorney for minor), Title 26 Family Law and SPR 98.16 Minor Settlement registries.

Please complete the appropriate application as directed below and submit all materials by May 30, 2025.

How to apply

You must complete an approved training program, provide background information to the court(s) in which you wish to serve, and meet all eligibility requirements set by local court rule or policy.

Learn more about the application process through the Washington Courts website

The King County Superior Court Registries are in the process of being updated. Once the 2025 application period closes, the updated registry will be available. Unless there is a need for a GAL with specific skills or training, the Court appoints them on a rotational basis from the registry list. The Court must make written findings supporting such an appointment.

King County Superior Court is opening the registries to current, new, and former members. All currently serving on a Certified Registry must reapply to remain on the list by completing the Renewal Form. Interested new applicants must complete the New Applicant form. Unless directed otherwise, please return your completed application and required materials to Do not mail your materials.

Required supporting materials include:
