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Special purpose governments

Learn more about special-purpose government boards. Find out how to attend meetings and submit public comment. Also, see meeting agendas and other materials.

About special purpose government boards

Councilmembers serve as the Board of Supervisors for a special-purpose government, created under authority provided by the State Legislature. These boards provide funding and oversight for county programs.

Attend meetings

See the meeting calendar.

To help us manage the meeting, if you do not wish to be called upon for public comment, please use the Livestream or King County TV options listed below to watch or listen to the meeting if possible.


  • Find the Zoom webinar ID by looking at the second page of the relevant meeting agenda below.
  • By computer, using the Zoom application at and the webinar ID above.
  • Via phone by calling 1-253-215-8782 and using the webinar ID above.



Public comment

Public comment should be on current agenda items only. If you would like to comment on an item not on the current agenda, you may email your Councilmember


Send to by 8 a.m. on the meeting day. Include the topic and related committee in the subject line. Comments will be forwarded to committee members and appropriate staff.


Attend meetings in Council Chambers, 516 3rd Avenue, Room 1001, Seattle Washington.


Provide comment remotely by attending meetings via phone or computer using the Zoom application. See attend committee meetings remotely above. You are not required to sign up in advance to provide remote public comment. 

Language services

You have the right to submit your comments using our free language access services. Contact Tera Chea, Language Access Coordinator not less than three business days prior to the committee meeting.

Flood Control District

The Flood Control District is a special-purpose government that provides funding and policy oversight for flood protection projects and programs. The district's Board of Supervisors includes nine members of the King County Council.

Contact District Executive Director Michelle Clark

Meeting materials

View the meeting agendas and calendar. Agendas are usually available before each committee meeting. Other materials post as they are available. 

Executive committee meeting materials

View the meeting agendas and calendar. Agendas are usually available before each committee meeting. Other materials post as they are available. 

Transportation District

The Transportation District is a special purpose government that raises revenue for and implements transportation improvements across the county. It is governed by a nine-member board of King County Councilmembers.

The Transportation District meets three times a year, on the third Monday of April, July, and October at 1:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. The district can also convene special meetings with 24 hours of public notice.

The public can submit testimony at the meetings or online. Submit yours by email. Include your full name in the message. The email subject line should be “Transportation District Public Testimony.”

Meeting materials

View the meeting agendas and calendar. Agendas are usually available before each committee meeting. Other materials post as they are available. 
