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2022 – News about Councilmember Sarah Perry

View 2022 press releases from Councilmember Perry.

December 13, 2022
Flood Control District Elects Reagan Dunn as its New Chair, Sarah Perry as Vice Chair for 2023
“I am honored to have been unanimously selected to serve as Vice Chair for the King County Flood Control District Board of Supervisors! Our region is home to a number of powerful river systems that bring countless benefits to our natural and physical environments. I look forward to continuing to support FCD's investments and all the work we can do to protect our region's farms, homes, overall economic vitality, and other critical infrastructure against the increasing risk of flooding. I look forward to doing my best in service to all residents of King County!”

December 12, 2022
Upstream salmon habitat restored by King County this year, will soon begin a decade of projects to open 250 more miles of streams and rivers 
“I am thrilled to have joined my Council colleagues and Executive Constantine in supporting and investing in habitat restoration across King County. Both incorporated and unincorporated communities have benefitted greatly from these efforts, which includes work on fish passage and habitat restoration along Lake Sammamish,” aid King County Councilmember Sarah Perry. “As we enter the new year, I also look forward to continuing to support the County's Clean Water Healthy Habitat initiative and ensuring fish populations are thriving and self-sustaining.”

November 15, 2022
Massive investments in public safety, transit, and housing headline approved 2023-2024 King County Budget 
“I'm grateful for the opportunity to have worked with such outstanding King County colleagues, both on staff and on Council, as well as with the highly effective and principled King County Executive, Dow Constantine, in developing this strong and responsive 2023-2024 biennial budget. The persistent economic and social challenges brought by COVID-19 must be addressed in this budget to effectively regain and maintain our economic and social stability, including focus on environmental protection and preservation, sustainable and accessible transit, public safety, behavioral health, and services and programs for those with the least historic investment such as our BIPOC communities and rural areas. The 2023-2024 budget honors and deepens the County's commitment to ensuring access and opportunity to those without sufficient income, housing, and healthcare to enable all King County residents to live stable lives. I look forward to continuing to uplift King County's values in supporting initiatives toward a more economically viable, equitable and sustainable future where everyone can thrive.”

October 4, 2022
Council chooses Amanda Dodd to fill Bothell City Council vacancy
"Thank you to Tom Agnew, Cary Westerbeck and Amanda Dodd for their strong civic engagement, which is critical to ensuring a forward-thinking city where all community members can thrive,” said Councilmember Sarah Perry. “Congratulations to Amanda Dodd on this appointment and I look forward to working together on the priorities of our Bothell residents!”

July 26, 2022
Council approves creation of permanent gun, ammo return program
“The number-one job of any leader is to keep residents safe. With that in mind, I join my colleagues, and safe gun owners everywhere, in this great step forward to explore the best actions we can take for our communities throughout King County to ensure that guns are kept out of the hands of those who intend to do harm to themselves or others.”

June 24, 2022
Perry condemns Roe ruling: ‘An attack on women everywhere’
"...That the courts could decide to disallow women the full sovereignty of their bodies is unconscionable. And worse yet, the women and girls who are most impacted by this decision are those without access to support, those who are struggling with financial need, women and girls of color, those from marginalized communities and those with mental health and substance use disorders who aren’t able to effectively self-advocate ... I will not accept the turning back of this unalienable right for over 50% of the residents of this country and I will fight to maintain that right in King County and across our region and beyond.”

May 24, 2022
Perry statement on Texas school shooting
“Words are not enough to express the deep sadness I feel today. Sadness not only at the horrific murder of children and adults today – 21 of them at the latest count and three more seriously injured – but at the fact that this is but one of so many mass shootings that regularly take place in our nation...We are committed to do better in King County – we can and we will, together. I invite local leaders in King County, regionally and across the nation to join me in protecting our communities and take whatever action necessary to ensure this violence ends and it ends now.”

May 24, 2022
Patti Cole-Tindall confirmed as King County Sheriff
“Since beginning my term on King County Council this year, I have found working with Interim Sheriff Patti Cole-Tindall to be a great experience. Her dedicated service and commitment to public safety and behavioral health for all of our King County residents is clear... I couldn't be happier with her appointment and I'm looking forward to continuing the partnership with Sheriff Patti Cole-Tindall to ensure that we are focusing on the health, safety, and well-being of all of our King County residents.”

May 10, 2022
Council chooses Pamela Stuart to fill Sammamish City Council vacancy
The King County Council on Tuesday appointed Pamela Stuart to fill a vacant seat on the Sammamish City Council by a unanimous vote.  

May 10, 2022
Council declares Roe v. Wade ‘the law of the land,’ pledges support for reproductive freedom
The King County Council on Tuesday passed legislation declaring its support for reproductive freedom and that the Roe v. Wade decision, even if overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court, is the “law of the land” In King County. 

January 11, 2022
Councilmember Perry outlines priorities, celebrates first Council meeting
“It’s an honor to begin my service to the people of District 3 and across King County. I’m ready to work together with our communities to tackle the vital work of improving people’s lives and securing their future, from fighting the climate crisis to promoting small businesses and improving access to transit options, housing and behavioral health – with a focus on equity, access and opportunity at every step.”
