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Dunn pushes back against $18 toll rates, cites ‘war on commuters’

Oct. 17, 2023

King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn on Tuesday sent a letter to the Washington Transportation Commission opposing its proposal to raise the maximum toll rate on I-405 and Highway 167 to $18.

“For many in King County, owning a car is a necessity, not a luxury,” Dunn said. “The shocking proposal to raise I-405 tolls to $18 is just the latest affront to taxpayers in the war on commuters. I vehemently oppose this regressive toll hike that would disproportionately hurt families that are already struggling to make ends meet.”

Dunn pointed out in his letter that drivers are already facing the highest gas prices in the nation due to the new cap-and-trade program that adds 50 cents per gallon of fuel.

“It is important to note that those who suffer the most are those who can afford these skyrocketing fees and taxes the least,” Dunn wrote in the letter. “Too often, public officials treat driving as a choice to be penalized, rather than a necessity for those whom the ‘preferred’ alternatives — such as public transit or bicycling — are not an option. Yet, most people depend on their cars to earn a living, get to doctor appointments, and take their kids to school — especially those who cannot afford to live near transit, don’t have the option to work remotely, or require the flexibility that a car provides to meet multiple responsibilities, such as in the case of a working parent. There are no real options for rural and suburban residents who get penalized the most by these cost-increasing options created out of whole cloth by the State of Washington.”

Dunn also cited high levels of inflation and other indicators of economic stress, such as increased demand at food banks in King County.

The Washington Transportation Commission is scheduled to vote Tuesday on starting public outreach and technical studies of the proposed rate hike. A final decision is expected next year.
