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Stormwater resources for business and property owners

Find stormwater resources for businesses and property owners in unincorporated King County.

Business best management practices

King County Industrial Waste Program

We administer regulations to make sure the wastewater generated by industries is treated properly.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Manual

If you own a business property, this manual offers information on pollution prevention practices that help preserve clean water.

Pollution Prevention Assistance (PPA) for Businesses - King County

Find pollution prevention resources for businesses. If you would like to learn more about this program, or to request a technical assistance visit, contact Bob Bernhard at; or call 206-263-8979.

Property owner resources

Neighborhood Drainage Assistance Program (NDAP)

Get technical assistance about construction, permitting, and stormwater drainage. You can also request capital improvements or repairs to address flooding, erosion and sedimentation problems affecting private property in unincorporated King County.

Agricultural Drainage Assistance Program (ADAP)

ADAP helps agricultural property owners improve drainage of their agricultural lands by providing both technical and financial assistance.

King County flood services and information

Find flood information and resources.

Shoreline property owner resources

Information that will help you, the Puget Sound property owner, care for your beach or bluff while protecting your home. Tailored to meet particular needs of King County residents, this guidebook also offers suggestions on how to protect water quality.

Disposing of household hazardous waste

If you live in King County, you can take your household hazardous waste to any of our four collection sites or to the traveling Wastemobile. You don’t need to make an appointment, and there is no fee for this service. 

Green stormwater infrastructure resources

RainScapes: Natural Rainwater Solutions

Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) incentive program for private landowners (residential and commercial) in unincorporated King County. The program helps landowners install rain gardens, cisterns, and other features that filter and absorb rainwater so that less pollutants and quantities of runoff harmful to fish end up in streams, rivers, and Puget Sound.

Natural yard care

By working with nature in your yard, you can have a great looking landscape that's easier to care for and healthier for families, pets, wildlife, and our great Northwest environment.

Rain barrel information and sources in the Pacific Northwest

Learn about how to set up rain barrels and where you can buy them.

How to build a rain garden

Visit the Washington State University homeowner resources to learn how to build a rain garden

Rain gardens filter pollution from stormwater and support unusual native plants. Here are some sample landscaping plans utilizing native plants:
