Commissary kitchens in King County
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Looking for a commissary kitchen in King County?
If you are looking for a commissary kitchen to meet the needs of your food business, use the map below. Only approved commissary kitchens are included in the search database. If you want to verify whether or not a kitchen is approved to be used as a commissary kitchen, please reach out to us.
This service is provided to make it easier for caterers, mobile food unit operators and other food businesses to find a commissary kitchen. It is the responsibility of the operator to establish a connection with the kitchen and to verify whether or not the commissary kitchen will meet their needs.
What are commissary kitchens?
Commissary kitchens are shared-use, licensed commercial kitchen spaces available for rent. Food businesses of all sizes and experience levels such as food trucks, caterers, and restaurants can take advantage of these spaces in King County.
What are the benefits of using a commissary kitchen?
- Access to production space, storage space, and specialized equipment without having to front the costs to build your own kitchen.
- Space and resources to scale up your business over time.
- Some kitchens offer incubator or technical assistance services that can support you in any stage of your food business.
- Some kitchens offer incubator or technical assistance services that can support you in any stage of your food business.
- A sense of community with other kitchen users to share resources and expertise.
If you are a commissary kitchen and would like to be added to the map or update your listing, please email your request to
For Commissary Kitchen operators
If you are a commissary kitchen and would like to be added to the map or update your listing, please email your request to
If you are interested in opening a new Commercial Commissary Kitchen, you can find more information on our Commercial Commissary Kitchen page.
To expand the map and search for a kitchen by zip code or equipment type, select the Full Screen icon in the upper right corner of the map. In the expanded map, do a search by clicking on the magnifying glass in the red title bar on the left side of the screen.