Shape Up! For a Healthy and Independent Lifestyle
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The Shape Up program is designed to get older adults involved with physical activity programs at six participating community and senior centers in King County.
The best way to reduce falls is to be physically active
When older adults choose physical activity that build strength, balance, and flexibility, they significantly reduce their chances of experiencing a fall. The Shape Up program is a great way for older adults to get connected to free and low-cost community activity programs.
The Shape Up program provides a discount to adults, 50+ years of age, to participate in group physical activity classes at six community & senior centers in King County. The program is intended to encourage older adults to get active and stay active, through continued participation in physical activity classes. Exercise is a key strategy in reducing falls and can benefit older adults by improving their health and independence. Taking part in physical activity three to five times a week can help reduce the risk for a fall.
Falls have a significant impact on older populations
In the past 12 month, 37% of adults in King County, 65 and older, have reported a fall.
Falls continue to be one of the leading causes of fatal and nonfatal injuries among people 65 years of age and older in King County, leading to 224 deaths; 5391 hospitalizations; and 13,200 fall related incidents involving fire department resources.
In 2022, a total of 1,817 adults, 50 years of age and older, participated in a discounted group exercise class offered through the Shape Up program.
Discount for group classes
Download a coupon for $10 off group exercise classes for seniors from the following participating locations:
- Bitter Lake Community Center (1.6 Mb)
- Loyal Heights Community Center (1.6 Mb)
- Burien Senior Program at Burien Community Center (2.1 Mb)
- Northshore Senior Center (1.6 Mb)
- Mt. Si Senior Center (1.6 Mb)
- Sno-Valley Senior Center (1.6 Mb)