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2023 GMPC Meetings Materials

2023 News

November 30, 2023: After a year and half of review and discussion, the Affordable Housing Committee’s recommended amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies were ratified by the jurisdictions in King County. These are now included in the “Current CPPs” file that is linked to from in the Resources sidebar of the CPPs page.

September 27, 2023: The GMPC approved Motion 23-4, recommending a suite of proposed amendments to the UGA policies and Four-to-One program for transmittal to the King County Council.

August 15, 2023: The King County Council unanimously adopted the Housing-related Countywide Planning Policy amendments recommended by the Growth Management Planning Council in GMPC Motion 23-1. The amendments will be sent to the jurisdictions in King County for the 90-day ratification process.

May 17, 2023: The GMPC approved Motion 23-3, releasing a suite of proposed amendments to the Urban Growth Area Policies and Four-to-One Program for public review and comment.

May 11, 2023: The County Executive transmitted Growth Management Planning Council Motion 23-1, Recommending Amendments to the Housing Countywide Planning Policies.

April 26, 2023: Consistent with the direction in Ordinance 19384, the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) Interjurisdictional Team has released a set of proposed amendments to the Urban Growth Area Expansion policies and programs in the Countywide Planning Policies, King County Comprehensive Plan, and the King County Code. These are released for GMPC member review and amendment, prior to the GMPC's scheduled action on May 17 to release the materials as part of the 2024 King County Comprehensive Plan Update Public Review Draft Plan.

March 31, 2023: The 2021 Countywide Planning Policy amendments to establish housing unit and employment growth targets for the City of Sammamish (Ordinance 19553) were ratified, consistent with the procedures established in the CPPs. Click here to view the Updated CPPs.

March 22, 2023: The GMPC approved two motions related to the work of the Affordable Housing Committee to address GMPC Motion 21-1.


 2023 GMPC Meeting Materials
