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SE Covington-Sawyer-Road at 164th Place SE Sightline Improvements Project

Construction expected to begin in summer 2026

SE Covington-Sawyer Road, approaching 164th Place SE.

Status update

Winter 2025

Construction for this project is expected to last six weeks in spring or summer 2026. Crews will occasionally close one lane during non-peak hours and direct two-way traffic through one open lane. 

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This project will improve sightlines for westbound traffic on SE Covington-Sawyer Road approaching the intersection of 164th Place SE near Kent, WA. There is a sharp curve at this location that limits westbound drivers from seeing oncoming, eastbound traffic. King County will remove the steep section of curved hillside on SE Covington-Sawyer Road approaching 164th Place SE and replace it with a retaining wall. The improvements will increase visibility of oncoming traffic and allow for more stopping distance approaching 164th Place SE.


  • Environmental review: Spring 2022
  • Construction begins: Spring or summer 2026 (anticipated)
  • Construction ends: Fall 2026 (anticipated)


The estimated total project budget is $1.2M. This project is funded through the FHWA Highway Safety improvement Program (HSIP).

Project map

Project location map.

The project is located on SE Covington-Sawyer Road approaching the intersection with 164th Place SE, near Covington, WA and Kent, WA.

Existing conditions on SE Covington-Sawyer Road

Looking north on SE Covington-Sawyer Road.

Looking north: This is the view heading westbound around the sharp curve on SE Covington-Sawyer Road, approaching 164th Place SE. The project will clear a section of the hillside shown above on the right side of the photo and replace it with a retaining wall. The oncoming traffic in this photo is heading eastbound.

Looking south on SE Covington-Sawyer Road.

Looking south: The vehicles in this photo are heading eastbound on SE Covington-Sawyer Road approaching 164th Place SE. The project will clear the hillside on the inside of this sharp curve and replace it with a retaining wall. The improvements will make it easier for westbound traffic to see around the sharp curve.
