Home Free Guarantee Program
Metro’s Home Free Guarantee (HFG) Program gives your employees up to 8 free trips home, per year, if emergencies or unexpected late work makes them miss their normal transit, carpool or bike ride home.
For employers
- Allows for flexibility in overtime by assuring employees a ride home
- Helps reduce demand for employee parking spaces
- Easy program administration
How it works
Here are the steps for setting up your organization's Home Free Guarantee (HFG) program:
Choose a main Program Coordinator and back-up coordinators
- Your Program Coordinator is your liaison between your organization and the HFG Program.
- Coordinators will screen calls from employees requesting HFG rides and call the HFG program to obtain authorization codes for approved rides.
Set up your policies and procedures
- Create a record-keeping system to track employees' HFG use.
- Establish your after-hours policy. Who will screen calls after normal work hours?
- Train your coordinators for each work site and work shift.
Share your program with your employees
- Post program details and policies, including coordinators' names and contact information.
- Send periodic reminders to employees about the benefit.
- Emphasize that following established policies and procedures is what makes the program work efficiently.
For employees
- Encourages transit or bike commuting
- A secure ride home for alternative commuters
- Low or no-cost emergency ride home
- Peace of mind
How it works
When you unexpectedly work late or an emergency requires you to leave work quickly, Home Free Guarantee has you covered. If you took any mode of transportation to work that day except a private, single-occupant vehicle, the HFG Program can provide you with a taxi ride to one of several possible destinations.
Contact your organization's Program Coordinator
To request an HFG ride.
When you're ready to leave
Call the HFG dispatch line at 425-450-4555 to request a taxi.
Keep the receipt
From your taxi ride and return to your Program Coordinator (tipping is not covered and at rider's discretion).