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2019 – News about Councilmember Reagan Dunn

View 2019 press releases from Councilmember Dunn.

November 20, 2019
Following Community Opposition to County Project, Dunn Champions Effort to Find Alternatives
“When we hear that a County project isn’t working for the community, it’s time to stop and reassess our plan of action. I am confident that the King County Parks Department and City of Maple Valley can work together for a project that better meets the needs of the people of Maple Valley.” 

November 20, 2019
$100k for Homeless Bus Tickets Included in Supplemental Budget
“This funding allows us to offer stop-gap family reunification services while collecting data that will inform the design of a dedicated Homeward Bound program. Considering that San Diego spends $1.2 million on their Homeward Bound program, ours will ultimately require a larger investment — but for now, this is a good start.”

November 5, 2019
King County Voters Approve Lifesaving Medic One Levy
“When voters overwhelmingly approved Prop. 1, they voted to ensure that King County residents have access to life-saving help in an emergency medical situation. I’m proud that our EMS system is widely recognized as one the best in the world and am gratified that the voters decided to maintain this high standard of service.”

October 17, 2019
Key Flood Control Committee Recommends $2 Million in Funding for Critical Upgrades to Black River Pump Station
“It is absolutely critical for the welfare of Renton, Tukwila, and Kent communities that the Black River Pump Station is in prime condition. This funding ensures that these communities are insulated from flooding risk.”

October 16, 2019
More Roads in Fairwood, Renton Highlands Could be Plowed During Major Snowstorms
“Last February’s snowstorms pushed County resources to the limit and reminded us all of how important it is to be prepared for extreme weather. As we go into the next budget cycle, I will continue to work to ensure that more unincorporated roadways are kept clear and safe during winter storms.” 

October 15, 2019
More Roads in Maple Valley, Covington, Black Diamond Could be Plowed During Major Snowstorms
“Last February’s snowstorms pushed County resources to the limit and reminded us all of how important it is to be prepared for extreme weather. As we go into the next budget cycle, I will continue to work to ensure that more unincorporated roadways are kept clear and safe during winter storms.”   

October 1, 2019
Dunn Issues Statement on Drainage District 5 Commissioner Mail Fraud Charge
“Any arrest for public corruption is an extremely grave matter and signals the very real possibility of an unacceptable violation of the public’s trust. I am grateful that the taxpayers in Drainage District 5 will have the chance to see justice brought to this case. Thank you to the FBI, IRS Criminal Investigation, and Enumclaw Police Department for their diligent investigation of this matter.” 

September 25, 2019
County Council Recognizes September as National Recovery Month
“National Recovery Month is a time to spread the message that it is always possible to reclaim your life from addiction and mental illness. It is important that anyone who seeks recovery knows that there are services available to help them succeed.” 

September 12, 2019
Dunn, Gossett Introduce Motion to Provide Disaster Relief to the Bahamas
“It is the American way to give generously when we see others in need. This donation program gives King County employees a means to help Bahamian families and communities who have a long recovery ahead.”

September 12, 2019
Dunn Delivers Retired Metro Van to Renton School for Students with Learning Disabilities
“I’m glad to be able to support an organization where students, regardless of needs, abilities or differences, can reach their full potential. This van will allow these students to access additional learning opportunities at New Horizon School.”

September 11, 2019
Renton, Covington, Enumclaw Uber, Lyft, taxi drivers to get sex trafficking awareness training
“For-hire and taxi drivers are in a unique position to be allies in the fight against human trafficking. This training will ensure that more victims and survivors of trafficking are seen and offered help when they need it most.”

September 11, 2019
Dunn Legislative Package Proposes Innovative Solutions to Homelessness Crisis
“There is a real need for our local elected officials to start strategically tackling some of the core issues that greatly contribute to homelessness. This legislation isn’t a cure-all, but I do believe it is a step toward the sound policy that our region desperately needs.”  

September 10, 2019
King County Flood Control District grants to go toward Middle Soos Creek restoration project
“When we invest in restoring King County’s critical habitats we invest in the future of our region’s ecosystems. I look forward to seeing the results of these projects throughout our four major watersheds.”

September 4, 2019
Controversial Homelessness Proposal Opposed by Dunn
“We can do better than more bureaucrats and more taxes. This new layer of government would be undemocratically structured, lack representation of suburban cities, and be yet another expense on taxpayers."

July 18, 2019
Dunn Welcomes Crowd to the 156th Annual King County Fair
“Welcoming the youngest generation to the King County Fair is always a special experience. The Fair is a long-standing tradition in our community that is beloved by both the young and the old. I am honored to be able to be a part of the excitement each year and look forward to it every summer!” 

July 12, 2019
The King County Fair is Back - Festivities Start July 18
“The King County Fair is one of my favorite local traditions and it’s fun to see so many folks from across the County joining in on the festivities. There truly is something for everyone and I anticipate a big crowd this year!.” 

July 9, 2019
Youth Sports, Veterans and Health Services in Enumclaw Awarded Funding from King County
“It’s important to support those groups that have their boots on the ground—doing real, meaningful work for people day in and day out. Each of these organizations plays a crucial role in the Enumclaw community and I’m pleased to help secure funding for their work.” 

July 3, 2019
Dunn Holds Four Town Hall Meetings in East and South King County
“Our annual town hall meetings are an essential service for residents of unincorporated King County. Elected officials and public employees need to be accessible and accountable, and town hall meetings are a way for hundreds of residents to get to speak face-to-face with the people who work for them. Thank you to the many people who showed up to ask thoughtful questions about how the county serves them.” 

July 1, 2019
Dunn Appoints Commissioners to Three Vacant Drainage District Seats Following Concerns of Fraud and Illegitimate Election Practices
“These recent events exposed not only a few bad actors, but a greater weakness in state law regarding special purpose districts. That’s why I’ve introduced legislation here in King County to add a new layer of accountability for certain special purpose districts. The public needs to be able to trust beyond a doubt that their local governments, however small, are legitimate and transparent.” 

June 7, 2019
“Dave Lutes Day” Proclaimed in King County
“Those who have known Dave know him to be man with a true heart for the game and the student athletes he served. I’ve appreciated working with him throughout his many years with the Kent School District and I wish him well on his next chapter of life.” 

June 4, 2019
Dunn to Host Town Halls in Unincorporated Communities
The annual town hall meetings are an opportunity for Councilmember Dunn to hear from residents of unincorporated King County that he represents about the questions or concerns they may have. 

May 15, 2019
Council Approves New Layer of Accountability for Special Districts
“Given recent events, it is the right thing for the County to intercede where they can to bring more accountability to special purpose districts. The public deserves to have the utmost assurance that their local governments are functioning legitimately.” 

May 15, 2019
County employees sent into “working retirement”
“A van is a small gift that can go a long way for the agencies that care for the most vulnerable among us. I am proud to support the crucial, life-giving work of those who serve our communities, day in and day out.”

May 15, 2019
In Remembrance of Service and Sacrifice, County Council Recognizes National Peace Officers Memorial Day
“The day is especially poignant this year as Mayor Ralph, along with representatives from the Kent Police Department and the Kent community, is in D.C. to give witness to the memorialization of Kent Police Officers Derrick William Focht and Diego Moreno.”

April 24, 2019
Dunn Statement on Landfill Expansion Vote
“We are long overdue for a long-term plan for how King County will responsibly manage its trash.”

April 24, 2019
County Council recognizes April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month
“The trauma of sexual assault is something that no one should have to bear in silence. I hope that Sexual Assault Awareness Month will embolden victims of sexual violence to share their stories, seek help and healing, and bring the perpetrators to justice.”

April 4, 2019
Hobart area resident Adrian Medved confirmed to second term on King County Women’s Advisory Board
“Adrian Medved brings an essential perspective to the table as longtime resident of unincorporated King County. Her heart for service and awareness of the needs of rural King County make her a valuable asset to the Women’s Advisory Board.” 

April 1, 2019
Bellevue Resident Anne Repass Approved as King County Library Board Trustee
“I’m grateful that we have residents as qualified and willing to step up to serve their communities as Anne Repass. Her qualifications are impressive and reflect someone who is deeply committed to the core mission of our public libraries.” 

March 27, 2019
Responding to the rise of Islamophobia
“The freedom of all people to worship as they choose is an inherent human right and a defining value of our country. Today, I grieve alongside the Muslim community here in King County, across our country, and beyond. People of all faiths, creeds, and religions must stand together as one to condemn religious violence, knowing that we are stronger united than divided.” 

March 20, 2019
“Dave Reichert Day” Proclaimed in King County
“Congressman Reichert represented the very same district as my mother, the late Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn, and I appreciated that he continued my mother’s leadership style of bipartisanship and working across the aisle. During his time in Congress I was honored to work closely with him to expand the Alpine Lakes Wilderness and to designate the Mountains to Sound Greenway as a National Heritage Area.”

March 15, 2019
Enumclaw Area Community Projects Awarded County Grants
“It’s important to fund local organizations like these that are on the ground, meeting real needs in our community. I’m glad to be able to help support their excellent work!” 

March 15, 2019
Fairwood Area Community Projects Awarded County Grants
“Unincorporated areas especially rely on strong community bonds, and that’s why I’ve made it a priority to support funding for unincorporated communities like Fairwood. I’m glad to have been able to help provide financial boost to projects that make our neighborhoods better places to live.” 

March 15, 2019
Greater Maple Valley Area Community Projects Awarded County Grants
“I’m proud to be able to help these programs that are working to meet key needs in our unincorporated communities. I know this financial support will be put to great use by the people of greater Maple Valley.” 

March 15, 2019
Greater Renton Area Community Projects Awarded County Grants
“I’m glad to be able to help provide funding for these organizations that are working to build stronger communities. Their projects add life and vibrancy to our unincorporated neighborhoods, and it’s important to me to support their efforts.” 

March 13, 2019
Maple Valley resident Amy Blue appointed to serve on King County Landmarks Commission
“Amy has been an active participant in our region for the past decade, including volunteering with the Maple Valley Historical Society since 2017. The Landmarks Commission will be well served by having someone with Amy’s experience and community involvement as a member of the commission.” 

March 13, 2019
Public to have opportunity to comment on potential expansion of Cedar Hills Regional Landfill at special meeting of County Council
“I pushed for the full County Council to hold a meeting in a location that is local to the landfill because I believe it is only fair to give these folks a chance to be heard before the Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan goes to vote.” 

March 12, 2019
Dunn statement on designation of Mountains to Sound Greenway as National Heritage Area
“Today’s action will benefit generations of future residents of this great state. My children will now be able to explore these lands with their kids too, just as I did with my mom and brother growing up. This is a great day for all of Washington.”

February 27, 2019
Enumclaw Resident Christine Williams Awarded MLK Medal of Distinguished Service
“Christine Williams is an exceptional King County resident. Her selfless dedication is a testament to the strong community bonds on the Enumclaw Plateau. Her work is life-saving for some seniors, and raises the quality of life for those unable to prepare food for themselves.”

February 26, 2019
Dunn Urges President to Approve National Designation for Mountains to Sound Greenway
“The Mountains to Sound Greenway is truly one of the crown jewels of the Pacific Northwest and the United States. As our region continues to grow so rapidly, it is especially critical that we take the necessary steps to preserve the natural beauty that makes our region so special.” 

February 22, 2019
DUNN: UW Medicine Data Breach Must Be Investigated by County
"This is a breach of data, but it’s also a massive breach of the public’s trust. That’s why I am immediately introducing legislation requesting the County Executive to form a commission to investigate what went wrong, why it happened, and how to ensure this never happens again. The public deserves so much better.”

February 20, 2019
Bellevue Resident Heather Trescases reappointed to 4Culture Board
“Heather Trescases is an incredible asset to 4Culture’s pursuit of cultural development and accessibility. Her substantial experience in historic preservation and her unique perspective have helped her guide 4Culture effectively and stay faithful to its mission.” 

January 29, 2019
Retired county van to go “on patrol” with Covington Police Department
“These vehicles are a tremendous resource, providing transportation for the many activities in the communities they ‘retire’ to.”  

January 25, 2019
Dunn statement on agreement to reopen the federal government
“I’m heartened to hear both parties have come together to find a way to re-open the federal government.”  

January 23, 2019
Dunn delivers van into “working retirement” in Maple Valley
The mission of Tahoma’s Student Transition Program is very important. It is my honor to present these well-deserving students with a retired Metro Van.

January 18, 2019
Dunn Joins Partnership to Promote Awareness of Human Trafficking in King County
The awareness campaign builds on a successful effort led by the King County Council in 2013, which was launched in response to legislation that Dunn sponsored that year.
