Click or tap the 'Quick Exit' button to leave this page immediately.
If you're concerned your internet usage might be monitored you can call, chat, or text The National Domestic Violence Hotline, 24 hours everyday, 800-799-7233 or 800-787-3224 (TTY).
More about staying safe online:
Internet usage can be monitored and is impossible to erase completely.Clear your browser history (external link) after visiting this website.
Computers store information about the websites you visit. That means bills you pay and purchases you make are tracked, and messages or emails can be retrieved. You should always consider that a computer might be monitored when you use it and be careful with what you send others or post.
Safe computers can be found at your local library, Internet cafe, shelter, workplace, or computer technology center; avoid using shared computers when researching things like travel plans, housing options, legal issues, and safety plans. Using safe browsing practices (like using a VPN) can help prevent abusive partners from tracking your Internet history.
Civil Protection Orders
Civil protection orders are available for situations involving domestic or family violence, sexual assault, stalking, harassment, extreme risk, or vulnerable adult situations.
Call 9-1-1 if anyone is in immediate danger.
How can we help you?
Steps to File a Protection Order
Fill out the forms completely.
Fill out forms online Note: Filling out forms online via Washington Law Help does not automatically file your petition.
You must complete step 3 to file your protection order with the court.
Forms can be filled out online for most protection order types, with the exception of Extreme Risk Protection Orders and filing orders related to an existing Canadian Protection Order.
Reminders when submitting your documents to the clerk.
- The following documents are required and must be signed and dated for civil protection orders:
🟅 Petition for a Protection Order
🟅 Law Enforcement Information Sheet (LECIF)
🟅 Case Information Coversheet (CICS)
🟅 Any Proposed Temporary Orders.
- Need to file an extreme risk protection order? The required forms are different. You can find them here. Once filled out, proceed to step 3.
- Make sure your documents are legible and all fields are filled out, including the case caption and party information for both the protected person(s) and restrained person(s). (Case caption example: Last name of Petitioner vs. Last name of Respondent)
- Additional supporting documents must be formatted correctly for filing. Click here to learn more.
Note: Renewals cannot be submitted online at this time. You can file renewals in-person at the Clerk’s office.
- The following documents are required and must be signed and dated for civil protection orders:
The Clerk will provide instructions on how to attend your hearing once your forms have been reviewed and filed. If filing in person, you will be given printed instructions. If filing online, you will receive an email notification.
Forms for Protection Orders
What type of protection order petition do you need to file?
Resources and Information for Civil Protection Orders
General Resources and Information for Civil Protection Orders
- Civil Protection Order Resources
- Which Type of Civil Protection Order is Right?
- Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV)
- Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (
- Prosecuting Attorney’s Office Advocacy Program (POAP)
- Domestic Violence Protection Order Changes - July 2022
- Protection Order Webinar Presentation Legal Resources for Civil Protection Orders (
Submitting a Protection Order Petition
- Instructions for electronic submission
- Understanding Washington State Protection Orders and How They Can Help You
- POi 001 Instructions Petition for Protection Order_2024_01.pdf (
- Protection Order Information: Protected Person
- Webinar: KC Script Portal - Protection Order Submissions
- POi 030 Temp PO Order Instructions_2023_01.pdf (
- How Do I Serve the Respondent/Other Party with my Petition for a Protection Order?
Responding to a Protection Order
Attending a Protection Order Hearing
After your Temporary Protection Order Hearing
- After your protection order hearing, what happens next?
- Temporary Protection Order Instructions (
- Civil Protection Order Filings and Exhibits: How to Present your Evidence
- Submitting Evidence in a Protection Order for the Full Hearing
- Renew a civil protection order
- File a contempt motion for a previously issued protection order (form)
Frequently Asked Questions - General Information
No contact orders are issued in criminal actions.
Restraining orders are either financial or personal restraints and can be issued through the divorce or child custody process in Domestic or Family Law Cases.
Frequently Asked Questions - Filing a Protection Order
Advocates are also available at the courthouse that can assist with domestic violence petitions only. The website for the King County Advocates can be found here:
You may also seek help from an attorney.
If you have a disability and believe you may need an accommodation to fully, and equally participate in a court proceeding or activity, you may request an accommodation. Accommodation requests are granted to any qualified person with a disability for whom an accommodation is reasonable and necessary under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, or under Washington State Court General Rule (GR) 33.
You may also receive in-person support at any of our locations. Please click here for our location addresses and hours.
The law enforcement agency that serves a protection order should be the department that is in the jurisdiction where the restrained person lives. If you are uncertain which department serves in the jurisdiction where the restrained person resides, you could use to tool to help: King County Department of Assessments: eReal Property
Search restricted person’s address.
Select ‘Property Detail’ tab.
Note Jurisdiction.
- If you see ‘King County’, this means the King County Sheriff’s Office will need to serve the protection order.
- If you see a city listed here, this means that city’s Police Department should serve the protection order.
Listing the proper law enforcement agency on your proposed temporary protection order will help avoid delays or unserved documents for a protection order case.
When using Washington Law Help to fill in your protection order forms, there is an option to add an e-signature to your forms.
Once corrections have been made to your documents, please start a new submission and re-upload all required documents and attachments or declarations, if any.
For additional questions, please reach out to Protection Order Customer Service staff.
Live Chat: Click here
206-477-0845 (Seattle)
206-477-3041 (Kent)
Frequently Asked Questions - Attending Protection Order Hearing
206-477-0845 (Seattle)
206-477-3041 (Kent)
Additional information regarding submitting evidence for a full protection order hearing can be found HERE.
Frequently Asked Questions After Temporary Hearing
You may submit a request for an electronic copy of your hearing through our KC Script Portal.
The fee for the audio recording is $25.00 per case number. (The fee is not exempt.)
If you are the Respondent and you were served electronically, you will receive a copy of all documents in your service packet.
If additional copies are needed outside of the above circumstances, they may be requested through our KC Script portal. (Some fee exemptions may apply.) Please click HERE to be redirected to the portal.
The instructions to file an amended petition can be found here.
DV Protection Order Advocacy Program
Learn important information about the protection order process. You are not alone, help is available!
Seattle (206) 477-1103
Kent (206) 477-3758
KC Jail Inmate Custody Status Notification Service
VINE is a free automated service that lets victims and other individuals register to receive custody status notifications.
Toll Free: 1-877-425-8463
TTY: 1-866-847-1298
Self-Help Court Forms
This is a Washington Forms Online interview. Self-help court forms and instructions to file for a protection order. Completes forms for domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, anti-harassment, and vulnerable adult protection orders. (Available in English and Spanish.)