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Rent Brightwater Center

Brightwater Center features multipurpose meeting areas for community groups, conferences, weddings, and special events.

How to book our facility

The Center features the following amenities:

  • Multipurpose meeting areas for groups, conferences, weddings, and special events
  • Large event space for up to 200 people, a classroom, and a laboratory
  • Parking spaces for 90 vehicles
  • An exhibit hall, kitchen facilities, outside patios, and a fireplace
  • Surrounded by 40 acres of natural area with ponds, wetlands, and walking trails
  • Sustainability features built into the facility

Brightwater Center has been given added meaning in a new name, The Christie True Environmental Education Center is dedicated to the newly retired director of King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks who has devoted her life to regional efforts for clean water and healthy habitats. Learn more.
