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Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) guidelines

Expedited partner therapy (EPT) refers to treating the sex partners of persons with a curable sexually transmitted infection (STI) without requiring that the partner first undergo a medical evaluation. In most instances, this involves giving a patient medication to give to their sex partners, or patient delivered partner therapy (PDPT).

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Questions about EPT

Guidelines for use

Providers should offer heterosexual patients medication to give to their sex partners if the provider cannot otherwise assure the partners' treatment. This guideline is consistent with current guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Washington State Guidelines, and has been endorsed by the Washington State Board of Medical Quality Assurance.

Instructions on how to prescribe EPT through community pharmacies

Federal guidance no longer permits purchases of these medications by DOH or PHSKC for widespread distribution. Providers can call or fax a prescription in the name of the intended recipient (i.e. the sex partner of their patient) directly to any pharmacy for gonorrhea or chlamydial EPT.

PHSKC currently recommends the following regimens for EPT
For gonorrhea with or without chlamydia Cefixime 800mg PO x1 PLUS Azithromycin 2g PO x1 (ok to split the azithromycin into two 1g doses given 12 hours apart)
For chlamydia only Azithromycin 1g PO x1

NOTE:  The PHSKC recommended regimens differ from the CDC's 2021 STI Treatment Guidelines recommended regimens for EPT.

The CDC has recently updated their EPT recommendations in the 2021 STD Treatment Guidelines. Notable changes include:

  • The use of doxycycline 100mg PO BID for 7 days for chlamydia EPT
  • An increase in the cefixime dose to 800mg PO once for gonorrhea EPT
  • Recommendation to use shared decision-making with MSM regarding EPT use.

The PHSKC HIV/STD Program's EPT recommendations currently differ from each of these changes in notable ways.

  • Use azithromycin 1g PO for chlamydia EPT.

This departure from CDC guidance is based on the lack of data on the use of doxycycline for EPT, the risk of doxycycline in pregnancy, and the side effect profile of doxycycline compared to azithromycin.

  • For gonorrhea EPT, use 800mg cefixime PLUS 2g Azithromycin.

The addition of 2g of azithromycin is based primarily on the fact that cefixime alone, even at 800mg, is unlikely to cure pharyngeal gonorrhea. Recent data suggests that 20% of heterosexual male contacts to gonorrhea and 40% of female contacts are infected at the pharynx [Chow, EP et al STD, 2019; and McLaughlin, S et al abstract at CDC STD Prevention Conference 2020]. Two grams of azithromycin is used instead of one gram due to enhanced pharyngeal activity.

  • PHSKC HIV/STD Program currently only recommends EPT for heterosexual cis-men and cis-women.

There are no data to suggest that EPT is effective for men who have sex with men (MSM), and recent data from New York found that among MSM who were told by a sexual partner that they may have been exposed to a specific sexually transmitted infection (STI), 15% were actually diagnosed with a different STI, including syphilis (5%) and HIV (1%) [Schillinger J et al Concurrent STI and HIV among men-who-have-sex-with-men presenting as contacts to chlamydia and gonorrhea; implications for expedited partner therapy. ISSTDR World Congress, July 2019]. The use of gonorrhea and chlamydia EPT among MSM has the potential to undertreat some infections, allow for further transmission of syphilis and HIV, and to allow for the development of complications related to untreated syphilis and HIV. Additionally, MSM are more likely to have antibiotic resistant gonorrhea, which is an additional consideration to the use of EPT for gonorrhea in MSM. Also, because doxycycline is a substantially more effective in treating rectal chlamydia than azithromycin, doxycycline is better choice when treating MSM for chlamydia.
