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Metropolitan Water Pollution Abatement Advisory Committee

The Metropolitan Water Pollution Abatement Advisory Committee, or MWPAAC, advises the Metropolitan King County Council and the King County Executive on matters related to the wastewater collection and treatment system.

It was created by state law (RCW 35.58.210 ) and consists of representatives from cities and local sewer utilities that operate sewer systems within King County's service area.

MWPAAC is continuing to meet virtually via Microsoft Teams.

Meeting information (MS Teams link/call-in phone number) will be posted a day in advance of the meetings on the committee pages. Please contact Marla Erickson at 206-477-4435 or for additional information.

At-large committee

Meets: Fourth Wednesdays, 10 a.m.

The general MWPAAC committee advises the Metropolitan King County Council and the King County Executive on matters related to water pollution abatement. It consists of representatives from cities and local sewer utilities that operate sewer systems within King County's service area.


Engineering and Planning

Meets: First Thursdays, 8:30 a.m.

The subcommittee makes recommendations to WTD on the scope of comprehensive system planning efforts and reviews implementation plans, such as operational master plan updates, asset management plans and conveyance system improvement updates.

Rates and Finance

Meets: First Thursdays, following the Engineering and Planning subcommittee meeting

The subcommittee reviews and evaluates financial policies and WTD assumptions used in determining King County's established sewer rates, capacity charge, operating budget, and capital programs.

Sewage Disposal Agreement

This subcommittee is not meeting at this time. Information will be added when they are meeting again. For materials from prior meetings, please contact Sharman Herrin.

The Sewage Disposal Agreement advisory subcommittee reviews and evaluates issues relevant to the sewage disposal agreements

Executive Board and agency representatives

Executive board

The executive board is made up of the elected chair, vice-chair, immediate past chair, elected officers, and subcommittee chairs.

Agency representatives

Representatives from cities and local sewer utilities that operate sewer systems within King County's wastewater service area

Contact us

For more information about MWPAAC, contact the following staff from the King County Wastewater Treatment Division:

Marla Erickson
Confidential Assistant to the Division Director

Sharman Herrin
Government Relations Administrator

Olivia Robinson
Government Relations
