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Textile donation locations and programs

Find organizations and programs for donating your textiles.

The following businesses and organizations around King County accept textile donations.

Textile bins at King County transfer stations

Who can use King County facilities?

Customers must live or do business within King County's 37-city and unincorporated service area to use our solid waste facilities. Our service area does not include the cities of Seattle or Milton. If you live in Pierce County, Snohomish County, the City of Seattle, or the City of Milton, contact your local government for service information. In partnership with Goodwill, we offer textile recycling bins at the following King County transfer stations:

Textile collection bins are in the main recycling area at each station are free to use. Accepted items include:

  • Clothing
  • Bedding (No Mattresses)
  • Boots
  • Curtains
  • Fabric
  • Linens
  • Shoes
  • Stuffed animals
  • Throw rugs (no larger than 3 feet by 4 feet)

See accepted textiles for more detailed information.

Special collection programs

These cities have programs for special collection of used clothing, shoes, linens, and textiles. Visit their websites for more information: 
