Health centers, programs, and services
Featured links
Access and Outreach program
Connecting you to medical providers, health insurance options, and many essential services from food and energy assistance, to breast cancer and dental care options.
Birth control and sexual health
Learn more about our birth control and sexual health clinics including FLASH Lesson plans for schools, and resources for providers.
Black Community Equity Team
Learn about our work to confront the longstanding, systemic health inequities experienced by the Black community living in King County.
Children’s health services
Learn more about our wide range of children’s health services, including School-based health centers and resources for child care facilities.
Dental clinics and resources
Learn more about our dental clinics and resources to promote good oral health.
Emergency Medical Services
If you are experiencing an emergency, call 9-1-1. Medic One/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is standing by to help you 24 hours a day with a system that provides a continuum of care that assures every patient the emergency medical attention they need.
Health insurance
Learn about how to enroll in health insurance options in King County.
Health services for the homeless
Working to improve the health of people living homeless through a continuum of activities ranging from system change to health promotion to treatment.
Community and provider resources for getting vaccinated in King County.
Public health centers
Explore our public health centers including locations and services.
Additional links
Community health centers
Learn about community health centers in King County
Food insecurity screening
Resources and trainings for health care providers to help end food insecurity in our communities.
Pregnancy and infant support services
A collection of services including WIC, the Family Ways program, maternity support and Nurse-Family Partnership.
Teen health
Public Health teen clinics provide a safe, friendly, confidential place for teens to get the help they need and learn the facts. All services free or low cost. Guys and girls up to their 21st birthday are welcome at Teen Clinics.
Additional links
Equitable Wastewater Futures Program
Urban King County is home to nearly 40,000 OSS, many of which are past their intended life span and vulnerable to failure. The Equitable Wastewater Futures program works to identify the best wastewater treatment solutions for these properties. The Cost of Addressing Failing Septic Systems in King County - Executive Summary (392 KB) Equitable Wastewater Infrastructure Analysis map Download a one-pager that describes the program (144 KB) and scroll down the story map below ⬇
5 key questions about septic
In the second episode of our first miniseries, we speak with Eunbi Lee, an Educator Consultant with King County’s On-Site Sewage System Program. Eunbi joins us to provide guidance for maintaining septic systems. We cover the difference between septic and sewer systems, everyday practices to keep the system functioning, common myths about septic, and why OSS are relevant to public health.
About septic systems
Learn more about septic systems. Maintaining your septic system is important for your health and the health of the community.
Acceso a Cuidado Dental del Bebé y el Niño
El programa ABCD se enfoca en cuidado dental preventivo y de restauración dental para niños elegibles a Medicaid desde el nacimiento hasta la edad de los cinco años, con énfasis en la primera visita dental a la edad de un año.
Access and Outreach program
Connecting you to medical providers, health insurance options, and many essential services from food and energy assistance, to breast cancer and dental care options.
Access to Baby and Child Dentistry (ABCD)
➡︎ Haga click aqui para Acceso a Cuidado Dental del Bebé y el Niño
AED registration form
Short URL:
Apple Health Expansion
Coming in July 2024, Apple Health Expansion is a medical assistance program that provides health care coverage to uninsured adults who do not meet the immigration requirements for federal assistance.
Applications and permits
Find important permit information for your on-site septic/sewage system project.
Applications, forms, and fees
Find applications and forms for the on-site sewage/septic system industry. King County On-site Sewage (Septic) System Program fee schedule.
Associate/master installer
Learn about the on-site sewage associate and master installer certifications.
Auburn Public Health Center
Auburn Public Health Center provides health care services for children, teens, and adults. All services are confidential and free or low cost. No one is turned away because they can't afford to pay.
Barriers compliance
Learn about the revised code to ensure existing barriers surrounding pools are enclosed
Bed bug fact sheets
Short URL:
Biomedical waste
Find guidance for businesses that generate biomedical waste.
Blood lead testing and how to reduce your risk of lead exposure
There are many steps you can take right now to reduce you and your family's risk of exposure from lead.
Breastfeeding and lactation
Whether you're just starting out on your breastfeeding journey or having unexpected challenges, WIC is there to help you every step of the way. WIC's goal is the same as yours. We want you to have a happy, healthy baby and a good breastfeeding experience. Short URL:
Bridging the Gap: An Environmental Public Health podcast
A podcast that uses storytelling to bring people closer to understanding how environmental public health shows up in our everyday lives, and how we can all help keep our community healthy. Short URL:
Business sharps disposal
Learn how, and where, to safely and legally dispose of syringes, needles, and lancets (sharps) used by a business.
Cardiac Arrest Surveillance System
The Cardiac Arrest Surveillance System (CASS) began with the implementation of paramedic services in King County in 1976. Its purpose is to identify and document all cases of cardiac arrest in which CPR is performed by EMS. These are the data collected: Field data age, gender location of cardiac arrest witnessed or unwitnessed who started CPR rhythm on EMS arrival arrival times of ALS and BLS treatments given Outcome death at scene hospital admission hospital discharge Etiologic classification is assigned based on: death certificate history and medications listed on the MIRF hospital discharge diagnosis Patients' names and personal information are protected under laws governing confidentiality. The data are used for quality review of EMS programs and documenting the effectiveness of community programs, and have been featured in many national and international publications. To see a five-year summary of survival data, see the Utstein Report, 2007-2011 (PDF). The Utstein Style has become the world-wide standard for reporting cardiac arrest outcome data. To learn more about Utstein templates, see: Jacobs I, Nadkarni V et al. Cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation outcome reports: update and simplification of the Utstein templates for resuscitation registries. Circulation 2004 Nov 23;110(21):3385-97.
Child Care Health Program
The Child Care Health Program (CCHP) supports child care and early learning programs by promoting health and safety practices with its team of nurse, mental health, nutrition, and education consultants. The CCHP offers providers tools and resources including model health policy templates, communicable disease prevention information, nutrition and other materials to promote healthy child development and behaviors. Information also available in: Español – Spanish Af Soomaali – Somali
Childhood Vaccine Program
Learn about the Washington State Childhood Vaccine Program (CVP).
Clean, rinse, sanitize and disinfect labels to print
Labels are available to print in English, Chinese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, and Ukrainian. Select the language of the label you want and click on the Print icon 🖨️ in the upper right hand corner.
Cleaning infested vehicles
Find tips and safety measures to take when cleaning a vehicle after a rodent infestation.
Through two learning collaboratives, EHE is providing an infrastructure to support health care organizations across King County in better identifying people at risk for HIV and helping them access and utilize Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), testing people for HIV when they are already presenting for health care, and rapidly and effectively treating those diagnosed with HIV.
Community outreach
Learn about our Community Health Advocates (CHA) and their events.
Community trainings
Our Environmental Health Services teams offer various trainings to county residents, community partners, business operators and staff, and more! We’re compiling these trainings to make them easy to access.
COVID-19 resources for homeless service providers
The Healthcare for the Homeless Network continues to support homeless service providers with tools and guidance for addressing COVID-19 at homeless service sites.
CPR/AED education resources
Explore additional resources, activities, and ideas to supplement school-based CPR/AED education and training.
Dirt Alert
Outreach and education for the Tacoma Smelter Plume Project Short URL:
Domestic dishwasher connections
View domestic dishwasher discharge diagrams to make sure your project meets Plumbing Code.
Drainage and venting fixture unit values
Find information about how plumbing loading works within the Plumbing Code. For example, if you are adding a bathroom to your house, you can see whether an existing drain pipe is large enough.
Drinking water
Public Health – Seattle & King County aims to prevent disease and illness from drinking water. Public Health provides technical support and guidance for small public water systems and reviews applications for private water systems. Short URL:
Eastgate Public Health Center
Eastgate Public Health Center provides health care and Environmental Health services. We have changed some in-person services due to COVID-19. See list of services for each office below.
Easy Access to HIV Testing, Treatment and PrEP
It's now easier than ever for you to access HIV testing, treatment, and PrEP. Most private healthcare providers offer these services by appointment or walk-in at a location near you. If you don't have a private provider, use the map below to find low or no cost options for these services. Going somewhere? Remember to bring PrEP with you! Make a plan with your provider to get on PrEP and stay on PrEP, even when traveling, on vacation, or moving.
Easy Access to HIV Testing, Treatment and PrEP
Haga clic para español: Termina con la epidemia del VIH We've been fighting HIV for a long time. With your help, we can End the HIV Epidemic in Seattle and King County by doing these 4 key things. We have the tools, and now is the time. Let's end HIV together.
Education and training for child care providers
Many classes and trainings offered below are free but some have costs associated with them. Check the individual websites for fees, courses offered in multiple languages, and type of training (live, virtual, or pre-recorded).
Educational materials for pool and spa owners
Posters and guidelines to help keep water recreation facilities healthy and safe
Educational resources
Find posters, videos, infographics, and other educational resources about lead and arsenic.
Educational septic system downloads
Find helpful pdf downloads about septic systems for homeowners and real estate professionals.
Environmental Health
Find information about permitting, sanitation, safe food and water, reducing exposure to infectious and hazardous material, proper disposal of waste and toxics, and more.
Environmental Health Services fees
Short URL:
Environmental Health's online services portal
Short URL:
File a complaint about rodent infestations
Learn how to file a complaint about rodent infestations, rats in toilets, or rodents associated with illegal dumping of garbage and solid waste.
Financial assistance for on-site sewage/septic systems
Learn about loans or grants for on-site sewage/septic systems.
First Friday Forums
Provides information, updates, training and advocacy for community based organizations, health care providers, outreach workers, Navigators and anyone who desire to help the most vulnerable. Learn about the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Apple Health and Medicaid programs, publicly sponsored programs, King County ORCA Lift program, application process, how to problem solve health care enrollment issues and access to health care services. Short URL:
Fishing for safe seafood to eat
Learn about the Fun to Catch, Toxic to Eat program. Access this website in another language: 繁體字 ភាសាខ្មែរ Español Tiếng Việt
Flood preparedness for pool facilities
How to prepare for risk of flooding in public swimming pools, hot tubs, whirlpools, spas and spray pools
Flu vaccine facts
Learn about flu vaccine safety and view vaccination options for healthy adults and high-risk groups, such as seniors and pregnant people.
For long-term health care facilities
Resources for long-term care facilities to address seasonal influenza (flu).
Frequently asked questions
Regardless of your immigration status, you can buy health and dental insurance if you live in Washington state.
Gaining insight with a food inspector
In the third episode of our food safety miniseries, we speak with Carl Stevens, who talks about his work as a Health and Environmental Investigator for the Food Protection Program. Carl shares the path to his current role, the importance of holding people accountable to safety standards, and the gratitude he feels when witnessing the dedication that it takes to run a restaurant.
Gaining insight with a health and environmental investigator
In the third episode of our first miniseries, we speak with Antonia Rus, who talks about her work as a Health & Environmental Investigator for the OSS Program. She clarifies concerns often held by community members, shares stories of memorable investigations, and explains how one of her favorite shows inspired her to get involved with government work.
Getting rid of rats and mice
Rodents (rats and mice) are common pests in our area and can be dangerous. They can ruin your food, destroy things in your home, and start electrical fires. Rats and mice also carry diseases that can make people sick. Find tips on how to keep rodents away and how to clean up after them.
Health advice for moms and children
What you need to know about toxic chemicals, seafood and your health.
Health effects of lead exposure
Though lead is found frequently in our environment, there is no safe level of lead exposure. Lead exposure can harm both children and adults, particularly children’s developing brains and nervous systems. Even low levels of lead exposure can lead to long-term health problems, including cognitive impairments, developmental delays, and behavioral issues.
Health insurance enrollment locations
Locations to get free expert personal help with insurance plans (Healthplanfinder and Apple Health) and other public services.
Healthy Beach Project
Learn how the Vashon-Maury Pollution Identification and Correction Project helps you, and how you can help.
Healthy water, air, and soil
Learn how to protect and maintain healthy environmental conditions, including topics like lead and arsenic, indoor air quality, and mold.
Heating, ventilation, and air condition (HVAC) systems
Heating, ventilation, and air condition (HVAC) systems can help increase indoor air flow by pulling in outdoor air. They also filter both inside air and outdoor air entering the building. This helps clean the air indoors, reducing the risk of spreading disease.
HEPA cleaners
High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) cleaners trap small particles in the air. This includes smog, smoke, allergens, soot, viruses, and droplets produced when people breathe and talk. These systems can be very effective, trapping at least 99.97% of small particles in the air.
Hire a registered contractor
Find guidance on hiring a registered contractor for plumbing and gas piping installations.
House or building remodels or expansions
Find the permitting steps for your remodels or expansions on septic systems.
How to handle used or found sharps
Learn how, and where, to safely and legally dispose of syringes, needles, and lancets (sharps).
How WIC works
Short URL:
Illegal drug labs
Learn about methamphetamine labs, their cleanup, and how to report an illegal drug lab.
Illegal dumping
Learn how to file a complaint about illegal dumping.
Illnesses from pool use
Guidance to assist pool and spa operators and inform the public of waterborne risks
Immunization resources for healthcare providers and the general public.
Immunizations for adults
Learn about vaccines you need, the Adult Vaccine Program, and more.
Immunizations for babies, kids, and teens
Learn about school immunization rates and requirements, School-Based Health Centers, and the Childhood Vaccine Program.
Indoor air guidance documents
Please email if your organization would like to use or adapt these materials.
Indoor air quality
Learn how to improve indoor air in homes, businesses, schools, and other places where people gather indoors. Healthy indoor spaces are key to reducing the spread of airborne diseases, including colds, flus, and COVID-19.
Indoor air quality and mold
Short URL:
Indoor air quality tips for facilities
Clean indoor air reduces the spread of diseases and supports healthy hearts, lungs, and brains! Here are general tips for how you can improve indoor air in your space, along with specific tips for certain kinds of spaces.
Infant Mortality Prevention Network
The Infant Mortality Prevention Network (IMPN) is a collection of independent service agencies, all working to eliminate the impact of racism on infant mortality and birth outcomes through community education and direct family services.
Information about wounds for unsheltered people and service providers
People living homeless are at increased risk of developing wounds and face significant challenges in taking care of them. Even small wounds can worsen and lead to life-threatening infections under these conditions.
Inspections for plumbing and gas piping installations
Learn how to submit a request for an inspection, find an inspector, and view your results.
Find resources and tips on installing water heaters, gas piping, waste pipes, and more.
Installing a new water heater
Learn about the legal and safety standards you need for your water heater project.
Installing a new waterline
Learn about safe, efficient, and legal installation of a new water line.
Installing gas piping
Learn how to properly size your gas piping system. For example, use this information to determine if an existing gas pipe has the capacity to add an exterior barbeque or fire pit.
Keep rats out of your toilet and sewer pipes
Learn how to keep rats out of your toilet and sewer pipes, and about how the Seattle Sewer Baiting Program helps control rats in Seattle's sewer system.
Key tips for food safety in your home kitchen
In the second episode of our food safety miniseries, we speak with Greg McKnight, a Health and Environmental Investigator Supervisor. Greg joins us provide key tips for maintaining food safety in your home kitchen. We cover the difference between sanitizing and disinfecting, how to safely thaw proteins and the importance of proper heating and cooling.
Kids Plus
Kids Plus is a multidisciplinary team of nurses and social workers, addressing the health and social needs of children and families experiencing homelessness. We specialize in medical case management, yet we work to address the many complex needs that impact the health and well-being of children. Download a brochure to learn more (332 KB).
King County Adult Dental Program
The King County Adult Dental Program (KCADP) provides dental services for residents living in King County who are not eligible for Apple Health (Medicaid) due to citizenship requirements.
King County Medical Examiner
J. Matthew Lacy, MD, Chief Medical Examiner
Landscaping with an on-site sewage system
Learn about the special needs of lanscaping with a septic system.
Lead and Toxics Program
The Lead and Toxics Program builds on community leadership to prevent childhood lead poisoning identify and reduce exposures to environmental toxics equitably improve health outcomes
Liquid waste pumper/hauler
Learn about the liquid waste pumper/hauler certification.
Low-barrier services
Expanding the availability of low barrier HIV prevention and care services in our community is critical to ending the HIV epidemic in King County. Low barrier services include walk-in access to sexual health services, PrEP, HIV care, social, mental health, and substance use services. Some sites offer incentives to help people engage in HIV prevention or care when meeting their basic needs can otherwise make it too difficult to do so.
Maintaining your on-site sewage/septic system
Find tips and resources to help you maintain your sewage/septic system.
Marine Recovery Area
Learn about the importance of a Marine Recovery Area, the areas impacted, and how it affects you.
Medical gas categories and definitions
Learn about the building systems in health care facilities that must be designed to meet system Category 1 through 4 requirements as detailed in this code.
Memorandums to On-site sewage professionals
Find memorandums related to the on-site sewage industry.
Mobile medical care for people living homeless
➜ En español: Atención médica móvil para personas sin vivienda
Mold is a form of fungi, found in moist indoor and outdoor environments. Although mold exposure does not always cause health problems, daily exposures can trigger asthma and cause respiratory problems, headaches, watery eyes, dizziness, lethargy, and rashes. Learn how to prevent mold or clean it up, and find resources for tenants. Short URL:
New design and installation
Learn about the permitting process for new on-site sewage systems.
Notice of Privacy Practices
Effective September 23, 2013 Short URL:
One Stop PrEP
Short URL:
On-site sewage certifications
Find information about certifications related to on-site sewage/septic systems.
On-site sewage design application, process flow, and directions
Learn how a licensed on-site sewage system designer can submit a design application online.
On-site sewage system code revision process
This year, King County is revising the codes (rules) that govern on-site sewage systems (OSS). We are doing this to comply with recent changes to state law. We’re also using this opportunity to improve the codes and incorporate the latest best science.
On-site sewage/septic health codes
Find information related to health codes from King County and Washington State Boards of Health.
On-site sewage/septic repair or replacement
A repair proposal and permit are required when any change(s) or system replacements are made to your septic system. Below is a step-by-step guide for this process depending on what type of repair permit you need.
On-site sewage/septic repair or replacement
A repair proposal and permit are required when any change(s) or system replacements are made to your septic system. Below is a step-by-step guide for this process depending on what type of repair permit you need.
On-site sewage/septic system inspections
Learn about septic system inspections and their benefits.
On-site sewage/septic system program
The Public Health – Seattle & King County On-site Sewage/Septic System Program helps make sure that over 85,000 sewage/septic systems in King County are safe. Sewage/septic systems treat wastewater when homes and buildings are not connected to public sewer systems. We also provide permitting and educational services for owners of septic systems, and certifications for some septic professionals.
On-site system maintainer
Learn about the on-site system maintainer certification.
Open Enrollment XII: Health Insurance Navigator In-Service Training
October 16-17, 2024, Museum of Flight, 9404 E. Marginal Wy S, Seattle, 98108 This schedule is also available in PDF format (961 KB)
ORCA LIFT partners
Trainings, guides, print materials and more
Order HPV vaccine reminder magnets
For King County clinics that administer HPV vaccine.
Permitting process
Having safe a safe and reliable water source is an important first step when developing a property. On-site sewage systems or homes cannot be built or expanded if they don’t have water from an approved water source. When people apply to King County for on-site sewage system permits, building permits, and boundary line adjustments or subdivisions, the applicant must show they can use approved water source. Water sources are approved by either Public Health – Seattle & King County or the Washington State Department of Health’s Office of Drinking Water.
Personal sharps disposal
Learn how, and where, to safely and legally dispose of syringes, needles, and lancets (sharps) that you use or find. This page is not for businesses that generate or collect sharps.
Persons at higher risk (immunocompromised) of getting zoonotic diseases
Resources to support immunocompromised people at higher risk of getting zoonotic diseases.
Pet business permit
Learn how to submit plans for a new pet business permit, take over an existing pet business, or renew an existing permit.
Pet Business Program
We regulate pet businesses such as pet shops, pet daycares, pet grooming facilities, mobile pet grooming facilities, animal shelters, poultry retailers and pet food retailers.
Plumbing and gas piping applications and permits
Learn how to submit a plumbing or gas piping plan review application or get a homeowner's permit.
Plumbing and gas piping code books and information
Access guidelines to make sure that your project design is code compliant and will pass inspection.
Plumbing and gas piping inspectors by zip code
Find the right inspector for your zip code.
Preventing rodents and keeping them away
Find information on bait and trap for rodents, how to prevent entry into your home, and when to hire a professional.
Private goat ownership
Before you get a goat, it is important to understand legal issues, disease concerns, goat husbandry, milking, and sanitation before you get a goat as a pet or for food production.
Private wells
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Professional development and consultation
Access vaccine-related education, training, and helpful external resources.
Professionals who can help - on-site sewage/septic systems
Find information for professionals to work on your on-site sewage/septic system.
Public Health activities
EHE funding expanded the public health infrastructure for providing PrEP, syringe services, HIV testing, condoms, linkage, and re-linkage to care services, and detection and responses to outbreaks of HIV in our community.
Public Health Sexual Health Clinic at Harborview Medical Center
The Sexual Health Clinic (SHC) provides both appointments and walk-ins for HIV and STI testing and treatment. You will be seen regardless of your ability to pay. Payment for medical services is based on a sliding fee scale.
Report a noise complaint
How to file a noise complaint in unincorporated King County and other cities and towns in King County.
Request childhood vaccination clinics
Childhood immunization clinics for south King County community-based organizations and schools.
Resources for health care providers
Access resources for patient care, the Washington State Childhood Vaccine Program, and professional development.
Resources for health care providers for seasonal flu
Short URL:
Resources for homeowners and residents on septic
Find resources for homeowners and residents living with an on-site sewage/septic system.
Resources for parents, kids, and youth service providers
Videos, activity books, infographics and more.
Resources for pet business owners
Resources to support pet businesses owners in their efforts to create healthy and sanitary conditions for humans and animals in their business.
Resources for real estate professionals
Find sewage/septic system resources for real estate professionals.
Resources for veterinarians
Sign up for and view past issues of our Vet Updates newsletter and access our zoonotic disease reference manual.
Rules, regulations, and policies
This page covers key policies for public and private water systems in King County.
Sales and transfers of properties with on-site sewage/septic systems
Learn about the special requirements for the sale and transfer of properties with septic systems.
School Environmental Health and Safety
Learn about our services and resources to promote healthy, safe, and climate resilient learning environments. Short URL:
School immunization requirements and rates
Access immunization requirements for schools and child care, and view school vaccination trends.
School Plan Review
Instructions for K-12 schools with new construction, remodel, additions and playgrounds.
School-Based Health Centers (SBHC)
Learn about SBHCs and their free services, including vaccinations.
Search on-site sewage/septic system records
An online search tool to look up records for on-site sewage/septic systems. Records include site designs, historic inspection reports, and as-built record drawings.
Septic system do's and don'ts
Learn tips to maintain your septic system.
Sewage spills and septic system failure
Learn what to do in the event of septic system failure.
Sharps disposal
Learn how to safely and legally dispose of syringes, needles, and lancets (sharps) that have been used for business or personal reasons.
Skin lotion or lip balm authorization form
Non-medical products that are used to moisturize skin or lips (lotions, creams, ointments, or lip balms)
Solid waste disposal
Learn about waste disposal for households and businesses that handle, manage, and process solid waste.
Sources of lead
There are many sources of lead in our environment. Here are a few of the most common:
Strategies to improve indoor air quality
There are many potential causes of poor indoor air quality. By addressing these causes, and using filtration and ventilation, we can all improve the quality of indoor air.
Street medicine for people living unsheltered
Short URL:
Subdivisions and boundary line adjustments
Find the steps for permitting a subdivision or boundary line adjustment associated with a septic system.
Task Detail Page Title
Task Detail summary
Technologies to improve indoor air quality
There are a few technologies that can help eliminate pollutants and airborne viruses like COVID-19 from the air. Below, you’ll find links to pages with more information about three specific technologies.
Termina con la epidemia del VIH
Hemos estado luchando contra el VIH por mucho tiempo. Con tu ayuda y estas 4 recomendaciones, podemos terminar con la epidemia del VIH en Seattle y en el Condado de King. Tenemos las herramientas y es el momento de tomar acción. Terminemos con el VIH juntos.
Thank you for your order!
Please expect about 2-3 weeks for delivery.
Understanding and interpreting immunization records from outside the United States
Access resources to understand immunization records and compare to Washington state school and child care requirements.
Unpacking the Donated Food Distributing Organization Program
In the first episode of our food safety miniseries, we speak with Thu Bui and Amanda Steyer about the Donated Food Distributing Organization (DFDO) Program, which works with community organizations to assure the safety of donated foods. Thu, the Program Lead for DFDO and Amanda, a Health and Environmental Investigator, have both been with the program since its inception in 2022. Thu and Amanda discuss the importance of forging relationships with community organizations, building trust and rapport and explain how other community members can donate food safety.
Unpacking the Equitable Wastewater Futures Program
In the first episode of our debut miniseries, we speak with Julie Horowitz and Corrina Marote about the Public Health’s new Equitable Wastewater Futures Program, which works to identify the best wastewater treatment solutions for urban OSS. Julie, a Strategic Development Analyst with Public Health – Seattle & King County, helped create the Program, while Corrina currently manages it. Julie and Corrina discuss the program and the role of cultural competence and community engagement when designing solutions to issues of sanitation injustice.
Upper room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) systems
Upper room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) systems kill viruses and other microbes in indoor air using low-wavelength ultraviolet light above people.
Virtual inspection guidelines
Learn about virtual inspection qualifications, requests, and responsibilities.
Waste and vent pipe installation
Learn about the installation of waste and vent pipe fittings, and view pipe fitting styles.
Waste disposal
Learn about biomedical and solid waste disposal, and how to report illegal dumping.
Water supply fixture units (WSFU)
Learn how to size your domestic water piping systems by finding the proper pressure load on the hot and cold water system.
Weather and extreme heat
Child care providers are required to monitor weather conditions and dress children appropriately for outdoor playtime in the heat or cold.
What to do during and after a power outage
Learn how to avoid a septic system disaster when there is a power outage.
Where to get vaccinated in King County
See where to get a flu shot and other routine vaccinations.
Who is at risk of lead exposure
Children are most at risk for lead injuries because their bodies are still developing and because they tend to put things in their mouths that may have lead dust on them.
Why does my water look, taste, and smell strange?
Many things can lead to drinking water looking, tasting, or smelling strange. The following are some common issues notice with their water and what they could be.
WIC - Women, Infants, and Children
WIC is for pregnant individuals, new and breastfeeding moms, and children under age 5. WIC supports mothers and children through healthy foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and connections to additional resources and programs like First Steps.
WIC resources
Short URL:
Zoonotic disease reference manual for veterinary practitioners
Notifiable diseases and regulations and laws pertaining to animals